Friday, August 18, 2017

Re: source or load an autoload script

De: "Ni Va" <>
> OK. My problem is that I don't see effect when I modify a vimscript.
> In the joined screen, you can see two vimscript. The right one is a
> 'class' instanciated in the left one. Then a simple command MK call
> MakeMyVim.
> So, if I modify my vimscritp class and launch MK command, I don't see
> effect of my change as if it was not sourced.

That seems normal. trigger#new()['setup'] cannot be updated without calling new() again.
My take on the subject: never define methods this ways. Prefer to define a s:method and bind it in the constructor/creator function with

let new_obj.method_name = function('s:method_implementation')

First it'll allow reloading. But also, it'll improve greatly debugability.

I've written more on the subject on SO:

BTW, autoload plugins don't need anti-inclusion guards. It makes no sense there.


Luc Hermitte

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