Friday, August 18, 2017

Re: source or load an autoload script


> > I've written more on the subject on SO:
> >
> >
> Ok Luc, Vimscript modified as described.
> Than when I launch :w! | so% | MK, nothing is took on the fly.
> I modify maxTimes allowed to attempt some jobs in my script but
> passing it from 20 to 15 let show 20 after launch.

A few:
- you've forgotten the `dict` attribute
- if your version of vim is to old, `function('s:funcname')` won't work.
- you still have a useless and undesired anti-reinclusion guard in your autoload plugin

BTW, if you wish to add methods to an object that already exists, they'll have to be injected on a reference of the object as you won't execute whatever#new() on an object that already exists. That's the reason behind by lh#object#inject_method():

Here is a patched, and untested, version of your file.

Luc Hermitte

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