Friday, September 15, 2017

Don't load specific keymap when pasting


I have these line in ~/.vim/keymap/touchesfr.vim

« «<Char-0xa0>
» <Char-0xa0>»
? <Char-0xa0>?
! <Char-0xa0>!
: <Char-0xa0>:
; <Char-0xa0>;

because in French you need a non-breaking space before or after a double
punctuation. Works great when editing text. But I often want to
copy-paste an URL and if it contains one of those double punctuation,
I'll end with <Char-0xa0> in it. So I'll have to manually delete it
which is rather annoying.

So the question is how could I do to not have this behaviour when

Thank you


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