Friday, September 15, 2017

Re: Don't load specific keymap when pasting

Hi Christian,

Le 15-09-2017, à 09:39:26 +0200, Christian Brabandt a écrit :

>> So the question is how could I do to not have this behaviour when
>> copy-pasting?
>Depends on how you paste. If you paste from the clipboard (and your vim
>is compiled with clipboard support) this shouldn't happen.

vim --version | grep clip
-clipboard +job +path_extra +user_commands
+eval +mouse_dec +statusline -xterm_clipboard

So it's not.

I paste using Edit-> Paste from the Terminal menu.

> However if you use something like MiddleMouse Paste with your mouse
> using X selection, Vim cannot distinguish this from typing. So you
> would have to set `:set paste`.

Doesn't work with middle mouse button (I used that 15 years ago).

So do you think I should recompile with +clipboard and
+xterm-clipboard? A bit lost here.

Thank you,

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