Saturday, September 9, 2017

Re: Pdf's produced by MacVim's Print are not printable with Mac Preview

On 09/09/2017 19:14, Peter Shenkin wrote:
> With this in my .vimrc, I get exactly the same behavior as before. (After closing and restarting vim, of course....)

I have suggested my snippet as an answer to your request about
how to open a PDF with an app different from

If you want to use Acrobat, you need to replace `Preview'
with `Acrobat Reader' (o whatever the name of the app is) in
the snippet.


> On Friday, September 8, 2017 at 4:38:16 AM UTC-4, Lifepillar wrote:
>> if has('mac')
>> fun! PrintFile(fname)
>> call system('pstopdf ' . a:fname)
>> call system('open -a Preview ' . a:fname . '.pdf')
>> call delete(a:fname)
>> call delete(a:fname.'.pdf')
>> return v:shell_error
>> endf
>> set printexpr=PrintFile(v:fname_in)
>> endif

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