Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Summary of new quickfix features since Vim 8.0

Hi all,

Below is a summary of the new quickfix features introduced since Vim 8.0.

Most of the changes are in the getqflist()/getloclist() and
setqflist()/setloclist() functions. These are useful to Vim plugin

1. Quickfix list identifier. Each quickfix list is now assigned a unique
2. Quickfix list context. Any Vim type can be associated with a quickfix
list as a context.
3. Parsing text using 'errorformat' or a temporary errorformat setting
without modifying the quickfix stack.
4. Modify any quickfix list in the stack (not only the current list)
using either the list number or identifier.
5. Free all the lists in the quickfix stack.
6. Save and restore quickfix lists from the stack.
7. Get the number of lists in the stack (size).
8. Get the id/number of the current quickfix list.
9. Add a new quickfix list at the end of the stack.
10. Get and set the various attributes of any quickfix list (title,
items, id/number, and context).
11. The b:changedtick option in the quickfix buffer is updated whenever
the displayed list is modified.
12. Separate highlight group for the current line in quickfix window.

- Yegappan

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