Thursday, October 19, 2017

Re: Advice needed: best practices for vim plugin testing

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On Thu, October 19, 2017 at 23:36, Marcin Szamotulski wrote:
> On 11:10 Thu 19 Oct , Felipe Vieira wrote:
> > Hi everyone,
> >
> > I've been trying to develop a plugin and I'm used to writing testing for the
> > softwares I develop. The problem is that I cannot find a suitable testing
> > platform for vim plugins. This makes me feel uncomfortable in pushing
> > improvements made on my own fork of a bigger project (this may adversely impact
> > hundreds of users, and I think the codebase is complex enough; tests would
> > force some adherence to what is already coded and improve the plugin itself).
> >
> > I have tried a couple of other vim plugins for testing with little/no success.
> >
> > **What currently is the best practice for developing vim plugins?**
> > (preferably an official vim testing platform for plugins)
> >
> > It is needless to say how important is to develop tests for software (this is
> > beyond the point here).
> >
> > I don't thinks this information is very relevant but:
> >
> > * I have some experience with vimscript
> > * I program in python most of the time
> > * The plugin is: (my own fork:
> >
> > * I am willing to learn whatever it takes to be able to develop testing for my
> > plugin (as long as it is something 'official/stable')
> >
> > Best,
> >
> > Felipe.
> Hi Felipe,
> I've been missing a testing suite for vim too. One possible solution is
> to use the same technique that vim is using itself to test the code.
> There are now bunch of assert functions (:h assert_equal(), etc.).
> Another thing that would be awesome is to have a PureScript backend
> for VimL and develop vim plugins in a strongly typed language. That would
> rule out a lot of bugs. There is Python backend for Purescript which
> one could use to write plugins that are using vim python interface.
> Cheers,
> Marcin


thanks for the tips.

I was aware of the 'assert_' family. They are useful if someone is checking
function correctness and the like.

However my concerns are broader as I'm trying to figure out ways of having a
vim project maintained by different people but enforcing that their coding
standards/modifications adhere to a test framework.

As such I was thinking of ways of vim syntax checking (if proposed git/github
modifications were syntactically correct) and their results as well (for
instance having a vim command issued like 'PythonEnfoceCodingStandard' and be
sure that a test buffer changed).

And to be 100% honest I don't know exactly what I want. That's why I do know
that there is a gap/need to contribute to vim in this point but I don't think I
have enough practice with coding to tackle this issue myself.

I'll let everyone know if I stumble upon something useful. Meanwhile lets hope
others contribute to this post.


- --
Felipe Martins Vieira
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