Friday, October 20, 2017

Re: Directing which window is changed with :copen

On Friday, October 20, 2017 at 9:04:29 PM UTC-5, Tim Chase wrote:
> Long a nagging annoyance, I figured it's time to ask. I frequently
> will do a :vimgrep on a term under the cursor, but want the resulting
> navigation to open in a new window.
> $ vim somefile.c
> :echo 'In my main code window'
> :new
> :echo 'I want my vimgrep results HERE'
> :vimgrep /pattern/ *.[ch]
> :copen
> Navigating to my desired entry in the quickfix list and hitting Enter
> on the desired line ends up navigating in my original "main code"
> window, not in the window I ":copen"ed.
> 1) how to I know which window the Enter will impact? Vim seems to
> have an uncanny ability to choose the one I *least* want to change.
> 2) how can I tell Vim which window I want the resulting quick-fix
> "Enter" navigation to go into?
> Thanks,

Do :copen, then put the cursor in the window you want, then jump directly to the quickfix window (e.g. with CTRL-W_b). After that the correct window should be used.

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