Sunday, October 22, 2017

Re: how to apply a given map, written for a line, to a block of lines?

2017-10-20 23:36 GMT-04:00 Tony Mechelynck <>:
> On Sat, Oct 21, 2017 at 4:25 AM, Ben Fritz <> wrote:
>> On Friday, October 20, 2017 at 5:29:53 PM UTC-5, Jose Caballero wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I would only need to know which key words I need to search in google... :)
>>> I have a few remaps (and iremaps) that modify the current line. For
>>> example, to add # at the beginning, and stuff like that.
>>> I would like to know how to re-use those mappings for a block of
>>> lines, not line by line.
>>> I am wondering if there is a way, for example, to apply it to a
>>> visually select block, or similar.
>>> Any clue, or link, where I can educate myself on this topic, would be
>>> appreciated.
>>> As I said, at this point, I don't even know which key to search with :help
>>> Thanks a lot in advance.
>>> Jose
>> Easy way (no extra effort): visually select the lines you want, and type ":normal " and then your mapping. You should see ":'<,'>normal ". Press enter to run the command on every line.
>> Harder way would be to create a visual mode mapping that somehow invokes the behavior you want on each line. Then for bonus points consider an operator-pending mapping.
> Yeah, and for extra bonus points: construct a function with a "range"
> qualifier (see :help :function and :help E124) and/or a user-command
> with a -range attribute, probably defaulting to current line (see
> :help :command and :help :command-range) and update your mapping to
> invoke them. If you define both in a single script (e.g. in your vimrc
> or in an ftplugin), it is possible to define a public (i.e.
> user-facing) command which calls a private (i.e. script-local)
> function.
> Best regards,
> Tony.

Thanks a lot for the prompt responses.
I have tried to first choice (visually select the lines and type
":normal". Works perfectly. Really easy.
I also added a visual mapping, which I didn't know they exist (pure
ignorance). Also very easy.
I am going now to investigate about the operator-pending mappings...

Once again, thanks a lot.

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