Saturday, October 21, 2017

Re: How to handle non-ascii characters?

On Sun, Oct 22, 2017 at 01:50:22AM +0200, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
> One or the other of you may be interested in the unicode.vim plugin,
> It has several useful features related to digraphs and Unicode; one of
> them is the :UnicodeName command which tells you a lot of information
> for the character under the cursor and its composing characters if
> any: for instance for я́ (Cyrillic lowercase ya with combining acute
> accent) it tells me:
> 'я' U+044F Dec:1103 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YA (ja) я
> ' ' U+0301 Dec:769 COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT ́
> The part in parentheses is the digraph (if any, and all of them if
> there are several) for that character. If there exists a predefined
> symbolic entity you see that instead of the hex entity at the end, for
> instance for — (em dash):
> '—' U+2014 Dec:8212 EM DASH (-M) —
> An optional register argument tells it a register to save the message
> (similar to :yank etc.).
> Best regards,
> Tony.

Thanks for pointing out this very interesting plugin, Tony. I
have installed it and am exploring it now.


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