Sunday, October 1, 2017

Re: How to scroll back in Vim's built-in terminal?

On Sun, Oct 1, 2017 at 7:24 PM, Redesorr <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using Vim's built-in ":terminal", it works well.
> However, I found it is impossible to scroll back in this terminal.
> I have tried several terminal emulators and Gvim. But none of them can let me scroll back in terminal opened by ":terminal" command.
> I tried SHIFT+PgUp and Ctrl+Shift+UP, both failed. And I don't find any information about scroll back in ":terminal" in Vim's document.
> Is there any way to scroll text in Vim's ":terminal"?

I haven't much experimented with Vim's new +terminal feature, but I
remember how it was before, with the !something, :shell, etc.

In that case, Console Vim let you interact with the terminal it was
started from, with just something like "Hit Enter to continue" at the
end, but what you got (and IIUC still get) in gvim is a "dumb"
terminal, which emulates the kind of paper-hammer-ribbon
teletypewriter which could neither backspace nor move up the paper but
only move forward and down. So unless gvim's new +terminal feature is
radically different from what it used to run shells in before
+terminal came around, the answer to your question could quite well be
"In gvim there isn't, and in Console Vim you get what you started Vim

Best regards,

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