Sunday, November 26, 2017

Pasting with Shift-Insert in Windows console Vim

I was trying to fix this using advices from similar issues from Google/Stack Overflow, but I couldn't.
I am using Vim on Windows only in consoles (cmd, tcc; not gvim) and with the latest versions of Vim I am having problems with behavior of Shift-Insert/Paste functionality.

If I take a clean installation of Windows 7 on a virtual machine and install vim 7.3.46, Shift-Insert key does normal Paste as expected. If I install any later version of Vim (7.4, 7.4-1024, 8.0-002, 8.0-069, 8.0-586) on the same virtual machine (previously reset to the same state), Shift-Insert key inserts character 0xCE in goes out of INSERT mode. The same happens on any of my other Windows machines.

I tried remapping Shift-Insert and/or 0xCE to other values, but to no avail. Regardless of mapping (n,v,..., noremap, ...) Shift-Insert continues to insert 0xCE. If I disable or enable loading of various *.vim scripts like mswin.vim, Shift-Insert continues to insert 0xCE.

What has changed regarding the Windows console keyboard processing between Vim 7.3 and later versions?
What am I missing regarding mapping/initialization of Vim in newer versions so that Shift-Insert key would do the Paste as in 7.3?


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