Friday, November 17, 2017

Re: ANN: dbext.vim version 26.00 - Database access from within Vim


This looks very interesting but even the tutorial is overwhelming - for
a quick start, what is the simplest way for me to connect to:


and execute a query like:




On 2017-11-18 04:32, David Fishburn wrote:
> What is it?
> -----------
> dbext.vim : Provides database access to most databases.
> [1]
> This plugin contains functions/mappings/commands to enable Vim to
> access several databases. Currently Mysql, PostgreSQL, Ingres, Oracle,
> Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere, Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise,
> Microsoft SQL Server, DB2, RDB, SAP HANA, Crate.IO and Interbase
> are supported. If you have a Perl enabled Vim, it also allows
> database
> connections via DBI and ODBC.
> It abstracts database access, so the same Vim commands will produce
> the same output regardless of the database you use.
> Extensive help file with full tutorials.
> New Features
> ------------
> - New option g:dbext_default_job_show_msgs to control whether
> information messages are displayed when starting and stop jobs.
> Regular status messages continue to display.
> - New option g:dbext_default_job_pipe_regex to control how to identify
> and strip piped in files and specify it separately via job options.
> - Renamed option g:dbext_default_use_jobs to
> g:dbext_default_job_enable to better support tab completion for the
> DBSetOption command.
> Bug Fixes
> ---------
> - Also check for 'timers' when checking for job support.
> - Revamped job support. Tested on Windows, Linux and OSX. Works on
> long running and very short jobs where it was erratic on first
> release.
> I am always open to suggestions, just email me. See :h dbext.txt for
> contact details.
> Enjoy.
> David
> --
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> [1]

Philip Rhoades

PO Box 896
Cowra NSW 2794

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