Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Re: Background streaking

On Di, 21 Nov 2017, Phil Dobbin wrote:

> On 17/11/17 12:32, I wrote:
> > I have an annoying problem with the way Vim displays in Gnome terminal.
> > Attached is a screenshot that describes the problem much better than I
> > can. It's always been this way & I've only now decided to try to do
> > something about it. What I'd like to have is a solid background with no
> > hint of the underlying terminal.
> >
> > Details:
> >
> > Vim 8.1305 Huge version with GTK2 Python colorscheme monokai, Gnome
> > terminal, tmux 2.1, byobu 5.122, Ubuntu 16.04.3
> >
> > I've Googled extensively but I've found it difficult to express the
> > problem succinctly enough to get an adequate result. Any help would be
> > greatly appreciated.
> >
> I posted this a while back. Has nobody come across this?

Looks like you need background color erase. This needs to be fixed in
your terminal. Make sure the $TERM is set correctly. I think for screen
one needs `defbce on` not sure if tmux has its own setting for that.

Anyway for tmux, make sure you have set your $TERM setting correctly. It
should be either tmux or screen-256color

As a workaround for Vim you can set the t_ut to empty. I have this in my
vimrc for a similar reason

if !empty(&t_ut)
" see http://snk.tuxfamily.org/log/vim-256color-bce.html
let &t_ut=''

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