Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Re: Vim surprisingly slow?

On 2017-11-14 19:04, Eli the Bearded wrote:
> Just do one write.

Yeah, I've come up with multiple multi-step solutions and the
solution I came up with *works*, it's just surprisingly slow for
something that can execute in around a second if slightly reworded
(see elsewhere on this thread where Christian recommends using
writefile() instead of ":.w>>")

> But I did prove to myselfit works with slight editing in ed.
> ("ed is the standard editor.")

As the loony who maintains the @ed1conf twitter account, I'm pleased
to see ed(1) popping up as a potential solution to the challenge. :-)

> I tried to post my solution to the dev.to site, but it wouldn't let
> me log in with Firefox (nothing happened when pushing the github
> button). I did not even try to login with lynx.

Yeah, their logins require 3rd-party cookies and JavaScript enabled
for the OAUTH authentication, so I don't often go to the hassle of
logging in there, instead sticking to directly posting/replying on
Twitter. I can almost guarantee failure in lynx/links/elinks/w3m
without even trying.


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