Sunday, December 17, 2017

Re: Any way to make packadd load plugins in start when -u NONE or --noplugins are passed

Alejandro Hernandez wrote:

> Testing plugins in isolation is frequently done. Under the current
> system, all
> plugins one wants to test have to be moved under `opt` to be able to
> use `:packadd`. Relying on `:runtime` is both error-prone and
> cumbersome. There's no need for the user to replicate `:packadd`
> functionality using `:runtime`, because there are things one needs to
> take into account (sourcing all plugin files, adding to runtimepath),
> which would be better done by `:packadd`.
> I propose changing `:packadd` behavior to load ANY plugin, whether
> it's in `opt` or `start`, defaulting to doing nothing if it was added
> already. This idempotent and least-surprise behavior is what I
> expected from `:packadd` before I read the documentation.
> Adding an argument to `:packadd` is also fine, although a bit more
> "surpriseful".

That is a reasonable request. If the "start" packages were not loaded
then :packadd can also look there.

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
114. You are counting items, you go "0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D...".

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