Saturday, December 2, 2017

Re: EasyVim

On Fri, Dec 1, 2017 at 10:29 PM, Spencer S. <> wrote:
> I notice that the EasyVim doesn't have all the features of Vim. What are the advantages of EasyVim? I am new to the programs entirely. Which one would you recommend to a technical communicator?
EasyVim is supposed to make Vim easier for some users of e.g. Notepad,
but personally I don't find it easier for me.

What I recommend to Vim beginners is to run the Vimtutor lessons (not
all in one day, but only as much at a time as you can take with no
trouble), and to make heavy use of the online help. In particular,
":help", ":help :help" and ":help helphelp" (each of them typed
without the quotes in a running Vim in Normal mode, and followed by
hitting Enter) give respectively basic help, a little less basic help,
and detailed help, in all three cases about how to use the help

I don't know any other personal-software item with an online help
system as complete and as precise as that of Vim. The only kind of
documentation at the same level of quality that I know of, are the
paper manuals which came with the software for the mainframes where I
worked professionally (with Hollerith cards, magnetic tapes, and
zig-zag 132-column by 11 ft. "pyjama" paper) in the seventies and
eighties. ;-)

Best regards,

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