Saturday, December 9, 2017

Re: Finding the recovered swap name

Gary Johnson wrote:

> If I try to recover a file using the :recover command and there is
> more than one swap file for that file, Vim presents a list of "Swap
> files found" and asks me to "Enter number of swap file to use".
> Vim then suggests that I "may want to delete the .swp file now." To
> do that, I have to write down or remember which swap file I chose so
> that I can delete the right one when I've verified the recovered
> file's contents.
> Is there some way to have Vim tell me which swap file it used to
> recover the current file?

I usually edit the file again and at the "existing swap file prompt"
select "D" for delete. If there are multiple I suppose only the one you
used is relevant and all others can be deleted as well?

From "know your smileys":
:q vi user saying, "How do I get out of this damn emacs editor?"

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