Sunday, December 10, 2017

Re: pattern for substitution including linefeed and carriage return

Stucki, thanks for your answer!

In my CSV file this multiline fields have
different number of lines, least two
and contain various text.

Is it also possible to delete such items at once?

Thank you all


Am Sonntag, 10. Dezember 2017 20:01:55 UTC+1 schrieb C.v.St.:
> Am 12/10/2017 um 05:08 PM schrieb Erhy:
> > ... This items have also textmarkers " e.g.
> > 30.11.2017;"Name";"Legend
> > for name
> > is not found";"New York";
> So You want to delete the contents of cases, where
> the Last thing of the line is not the ", followed
> by line(s) with no " at all, up to the line, which
> contains, but does not begin with "?
> (Which misses some cases, and will work only mostly,
> as it depends on having the single ;" in the first
> and the single "; on the last line of change.
> So Lines with broken pairs of ", or with extra newline
> without ", or lines with newline in the first or the
> last field, would break or be ignored.)
> The simple case might be done with:
> :s/;"[^"]*\n\([^"]*\n\)[^"]*";/;"";/
> OR do you want to remove the newlines only and keep
> the text? Which I believe would be more complicated,
> because of the newlines inside of the \(...\) pair.
> Stucki

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