Sunday, December 3, 2017

Re: wrong tag for latest Mercurial changeset

On So, 03 Dez 2017, Tony Mechelynck wrote:

> Hi Christian
> Mercurial changeset d52a3969ce4f7b6600c9cc7c0aefc22ecdd34577 was given
> tag v8.0.1367 but it adds 1366 to the list of included patches. The
> Mercurial changeset also got no commit message beyond "patch 8.0.1367"
> which possibly comes from the git repository, and _that_ is harder to
> change, consideriing that past commits (and their commit messages) are
> supposed to be frozen in bronze, especially once they've been
> available for pull. Tags can be moved, however.

Looks to me like the github repository. There is also no tag 8.0.1366
and patch 8.0.1367 also only contains the message patch 8.0.1367.

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