Friday, December 15, 2017

Strange behavior of vimdiff in vim v8.0.1390 on Windows

1;;"1612";"SI";"01 ";"EUR";"101100112 ";;;;;;"0 ";;"EUR";;+0000000000000000245667.340000;+0000000000000000245667.340000;;;;;
1;;"1612";"SI";"01 ";"EUR";"101100139 ";;;;;;"0 ";;"EUR";;+0000000000000000099299.650000;+0000000000000000099299.650000;;;;;
1;;"1612";"SI";"01 ";"EUR";"101100112 ";;;;;;"0 ";;"EUR";;+0000000000000000245667.340000;+0000000000000000245667.340000;;;;;
1;;"1612";"SI";"01 ";"EUR";"101100139 ";;;;;;"0 ";;"EUR";;+0000000000000000099299.650000;+0000000000000000099299.650000;;;;;
I am using latest development version v8.0.1390 of gVim from

I see strange behavior of vim diff.
I did:
:e a.txt
:vert diffsp b.txt

To do the diff, but to my surprise everything is marked with red color. I have stripped down file to only two lines in each of file (a.txt and b.txt) and repeted the steps above. The same problem.

Then I did checksum:
C:\>sha1sum a.txt
a4b6ed7fd2085472061ecc981d48c48fecc94251 *a.txt

C:\>sha1sum b.txt
a4b6ed7fd2085472061ecc981d48c48fecc94251 *b.txt

and getting the same checksum. Looks like files are identical, but vim diff displays them like they would be completely different.

I have never experience something like this before. Maybe development version problem or something else?

Can someone please confirm the problem or hint to me what may be wrong in my case.


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