Thursday, January 18, 2018

Re: how to install the vim plugin I already put the files in the correct folder but nothing happen?

On 2018-01-17, Zhe Lee wrote:
> I download vim-coloresque-master and put the file in the correct folder,
> vim80/ and vimfiles/ folder, both put the files in the correct folder, I
> want to highlight the color number in the css file,
> but nothing happens,
> like the code like this:
> background-color: #eae4df;
> the #eae4df will be highlight by the color.
> Why this happen and how to fix it?

You haven't told us exactly into which folder you put each file of
the plugin. That the plugin is not working suggests that you may
have put the files in the wrong folders. You should not put any
plugin files into the vim80 folder, by which I assume you mean

Without knowing exactly what you did, it is very difficult for
anyone to determine what you did wrong or didn't do.


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