Monday, January 8, 2018

Re: [netrw] How to use netrw#Call() to create custom mappings

fun! GoUp()
call netrw#Call("NetrwBrowseUpDir", 1)
call GoUp()

function! UserNetrwBrowseUpDir( islocal )
call netrw#Call("NetrwBrowseUpDir", a:islocal)

let g:Netrw_UserMaps= [["u","UserNetrwBrowseUpDir"]]
Pablo Giménez wrote:
> Hello.
> I want to customize some of the shortcuts in Netrw.
> I have seen it provides a global variable which is a dictionary of key
> mappings and function calls.
> I paste here a snippet from the help:
> Example: Clear netrw's marked file list via a mapping on gu >
> " ExampleUserMap: {{{2
> fun! ExampleUserMap(islocal)
> call netrw#Modify("netrwmarkfilelist",[])
> call netrw#Modify('netrwmarkfilemtch_{bufnr("%")}',"")
> let retval= ["refresh"]
> return retval
> endfun
> let g:Netrw_UserMaps= [["gu","ExampleUserMap"]]
> What I am trying to do is to use this mechanism to map u to browse up
> dir rather than -, so I did the next:
> function! utils#UserNetrwBrowseUpDir( islocal )
> call netrw#Call("NetrwBrowseUpDir", 1)
> endfunction
> let g:Netrw_UserMaps= [["u","utils#UserNetrwBrowseUpDir"]]
> Well the mapping is working, using netrw#Call() I can call internal
> functions in netrw.vim,
> but I got an error in NetrwBrowseUpDir( islocal ), basically the
> argument is passed as a list whereas it should be a number.
> This is netrw#Call()
> fun! netrw#Call(funcname,...)
> if a:0 > 0
> exe "call s:".a:funcname."(".string(a:000).")"
> else
> exe "call s:".a:funcname."()"
> endif
> endfun
> I don't know how I have to pass my argument to netrw#Call() in order
> to be passed as a single integer to NetrwBrowseUpDir() .
> Thanks and sorry for the long email.

Please try the attached script (goup.vim); it uses netrw#Call with
"NetrwBrowseUpDir". You may need to use 's version of
netrw. There's a problem with that version that I'm trying to address
under Windows, though, so be forewarned.
To use goup.vim:

:e .

which should go up one directory.

The next step: try unbud.vim.

:so unbud.vim
:e .

which also should go up one directory.

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