Sunday, January 7, 2018

Re: Using `--noplugin` fails to suppress package under `~/.vim/pack/...`

Hi Ben,

> It looks at first glance that ALE is (at least partially) a filetype plugin. That is, it has components that are activated for certain filetypes when you edit a file of that type.
> The --noplugin option does not prevent filetype plugins from working. It only prevents the plugins loaded on every Vim startup from loading (files in a "plugin" folder). In your .vimrc, you have "filetype plugin on" which enables the filetype plugins.
> If you don't want to load filetype plugins, remove that line from your .vimrc.
> I'm not sure if it would work (it has potential to have side effects you may not expect and I've never seen it suggested before), but a possible way to let this work as you expected, would be to move "filetype plugin on" from your .vimrc to a file in a plugin directory instead.

Ah, this makes sense. Thanks very much for the reply. I'm not sure whether
or not I will use your suggestion, but at least now I know what is going
on :)

~ Tim

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