Thursday, February 22, 2018

after directory of a plugin in pack/

I have plugins in

they have directories such as
plugin/ syntax/ ftdetect/

and all always works as expected.

Only the after/ directory has a "problem":
i have files e.g. in:

Such afile.vim is not loaded unless i execute:
:runtime! plugin/**/*.vim<CR>

Is this the expected behavior?
In ":h after" is stated that runtime files are searched for
in the after directories of the system-wide Vim directory
and on the home directory.
But in :h packages
it also states that after directory of a pack plugin
is added to &rtp.

Although in :h packages it is stated that
'The "after" directory is most likely not useful in a package. It's not
disallowed though.',
it seems to me that an after directory is very useful in
package to make final commands with everything loaded,
and be sure that some variables and settings are as expected,
to host user-defined configurations that apply only to the plugin,
and whatnot...

Any clues?
tx again

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