Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Could not load library msvcrt-ruby240.dll



I have install the last version of the x86 version of vim 8 and I have an issue whith the ruby integration.

My plugins like LustyExplorer can't work and when I enter :ruby –version I got the following error :


E370: Could not load library msvcrt-ruby240.dll

E266 : Sorry, this command is disabled, the Ruby Library could not be loaded.


When I run :version I have : +ruby/dyn




Ruby is install in C:\Ruby24 and the bin folder containing the msvcrt-ruby240.dll is in %PATH%.

I also tried to put in my vimrc file set rubydll="C:\Ruby24\bin\msvcrt-ruby240.dll" but I got the following error :


E370: Could not load Library

E266 : Sorry, this command is disabled, the Ruby Library could not be loaded.

Both ruby and vim are x86.

I am working on windows 10.


Thanks for your help.

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