Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Re: CTRL-[ == ALT == ESC to Vim? (or how to make them different)

2018-02-21 14:51 GMT+03:00 Renato Fabbri <>:
> That is what I get when typing with
> <C-V> in insert mode.
> (((
> " C-V C-[
> " C-V A-x
> x
> " C-V <ESC>
> echo " " == " " == " "
> echo ' ' == ' ' == ' '
> )))
> where this strange symbol appears as ^[ here,
> and x seems to be any key.
> In summary, C-[ and ESC equivalent, as somewhat
> expected, and Alt is prepends an ESC to any key.
> So, for example, if I make an insert-mode mapping
> inoremap A-Y :echo 'a banana'
> it will make the insert mode wait for a next letter after ESC (or C-[),
> which I bypass with a command such as:
> inoremap [ <ESC>:up<CR>
> BTW. A-Y does not work here to write the imap,
> I have to enter it by typing C-V A-Y.
> BTW2. I hope these unusual chars don't mess your
> emails as it is messing here (not writing it in Vim though..).
> Is there a way to make ALT and ESC distinct?
> (ok about ESC == CTRL-[).

You did not state what are you using exactly, this is essential to
answer a question. If you are using Vim in a terminal emulator then
you may need to ask *in terminal emulator's mailing list* first
because Vim has no choice, but to swallow whatever terminal emulator
throws at it. Ability to get help here in this case would depend on
whether there are enough advanced users of your terminal emulator
reading vim_use.

Note that normally terminal emulators have a setting allowing to use
either `<Esc>` or the eighth bit for `<A-`, and AFAIR that sometimes
is even possible to configure from Vim by making it output special
escape codes recognized by terminal emulator. Other configuration
variants are more rare. Note that eighth bit variant is not friendly
to unicode.

> Best,
> rf
> --
> Renato Fabbri
> GNU/Linux User #479299
> --
> --
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