Friday, February 23, 2018

Re: making custom key names for mappings

2018-02-23 18:21 GMT+03:00 Renato Fabbri <>:
> Em quinta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2018 22:05:29 UTC-3, ZyX escreveu:
>> 2018-02-23 1:43 GMT+03:00 Renato Fabbri:
>> > Well, from your comments, i put a:
>> >
>> > let g:aall = mapleader
>> > " let mapleader = '<Space>'
>> > if exists("g:aa_leader")
>> > let mapleader = g:aa_leader
>> > el
>> > let mapleader = 'anything'
>> > en
>> >
>> >
>> > before the mappings, and a:
>> >
>> > let mapleader = g:aall
>> >
>> > after them and it is all ok.
>> > (only these mappings use the
>> > temporarily defined leader key.)
>> >
>> > I did not understand how SourcePre
>> > would be used.
>> > Something like:
>> > au SourcePre mymappings.vim let [g:fooleader, mapleader] = ['something', mapleader]
>> >
>> > in combination with a somewhat SourcePost event to
>> > set mapleader to fooleader?
>> No, you set mapleader for *all* scripts, either to default or to
>> something else. There is no SourcePost for some reason; an alternative
>> is messing with SourceCmd, but this is harder to do right in general,
>> but easier to use for specific use cases.
> hum... try this:
> let mapleader = 'a'
> nn <leader>j :ec 'a banana'<CR>
> let mapleader = 'b'
> nn <leader>j :ec 'an apple'<CR>
> let mapleader = 'a'
> nn <leader>k :ec 'an orange'<CR>
> which work 100% fine here.

I do not understand what you are trying to say. I know that `<leader>`
is expanded only once, but that is not helpful: SourcePre is run only
before some script, so if your script is not the last one you have to
create SourcePre command which will set mapleader to one value for
your script and to another value for everything else.

> ((
> :version
> VIM - Vi IMproved 8.0 (2016 Sep 12, compiled Jan 6 2018 23:48:57)
> Included patches: 1-1428
> Compiled by renato@xps
> Huge version without GUI.
> )) + python 2-3 and termguicolors
>> >
>> > Anyway, I understood that it is not needed to define
>> > extra <XXX> key names, but is it possible within Vim standard
>> > capabilities?
>> What is possible? All XXX in `<XXX>` are defined at compile time only,
>> you can't evaluate expression inside XXX or something like this.
> Ok, so question closed here.
> Notice that <XXX> is surely not completely
> defined in compile time, for we use
> g:mapleader to set <leader> at run time.
> Am I following things right?

You cannot change semantics of `<Leader>` or e.g. evaluate `mapleader`
as an expression, so this fact is not helpful. And you also can't add
any new keys. So "not completely" is not very helpful.

>> >
>> >
>> > Em quinta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2018 18:22:51 UTC-3, ZyX escreveu:
>> >> 2018-02-22 18:58 GMT+03:00 Renato Fabbri:
>> >> > leader and localleader are the standard, so one might
>> >> > have conflicts between scripts because
>> >> > all of them use leader and localleader.
>> >> >
>> >> > how would you define, say
>> >> > <coolleader>, which you set to the
>> >> > leader by default,
>> >> > but can be changed to any key
>> >> > sequence (including c-v derived).
>> >> >
>> >> > ==
>> >> > ideally, I would have a command mkKeyName with which to define
>> >> > <coolleader> such as
>> >> >
>> >> > :mkKeyName -default=leader coolleader
>> >> >
>> >> > and might set it to anything such as
>> >> > se mapcoolleader=^[
>> >> > se mapcoolleader=
>> >> > se mapcoolleader!
>> >> > se mapcoolleader!=<Space>
>> >> >
>> >> > (this implies that one would also able to use
>> >> > :setlocal mapcoolleader ??
>> >> >
>> >> > and use it in your mappings
>> >> > as in
>> >> > nnoremap <coolleader>B :call MyCoolFunction()<CR>
>> >>
>> >> This is not needed, there is `:execute` as something requiring changes
>> >> to plugin code. E.g. my plugins (on my frawor framework) allow
>> >> defining plugin-specific leader.
>> >>
>> >> To override `mapleader` for plugins which are not nice enough to allow
>> >> defining plugin-specific leader there is SourcePre event.
>> >>
>> >> I personally find mapleader and maplocalleader as quite *incomplete*
>> >> thing. For plugins much better idea would be key-value store: e.g. in
>> >> place of
>> >>
>> >> nnoremap <Plug>(FooPluginDoBar) :call foo#bar()<CR>
>> >> nnoremap <Plug>(FooPluginDoZab) :call foo#zab()<CR>
>> >>
>> >> nmap <Leader>fb <Plug>(FooPluginDoBar)
>> >> nmap <Leader>fz <Plug>(FooPluginDoZab)
>> >>
>> >> (last two possibly surrounded by `if !hasmapto(…)|endif`) one would write just
>> >>
>> >> mapdefineprefix FooPlugin <Leader>f
>> >> nnoremap <:FooPlugin:DoBar(b)> :call foo#bar()<CR>
>> >> nnoremap <:FooPlugin:DoZab(z)> :call foo#zab()<CR>
>> >>
>> >> and Vim will handle actually substituting values like this: each
>> >> `<:prefix:mapname(default)>` expands into a concat of two strings:
>> >>
>> >> 1. The rhs of the first `:mapdefineprefix` command with lhs equal to `prefix`.
>> >> 2. The rhs of the first `:mapdefine` command or the `default` value if
>> >> no `:mapdefine` commands with lhs equal to `prefix:mapname` were
>> >> issued. Inside `default` `<>` are good as long as they are balanced,
>> >> various special characters like `)` may be entered via something like
>> >> `<Char-41>`.
>> >>
>> >> In both cases using bang clears the prefix, so next non-banged command
>> >> will define it (normally it is ignored).
>> >>
>> >> E.g. in this case if user wants mappings of foo plugin start with `,o`
>> >> and not `<Leader>f` all he needs would be putting
>> >>
>> >> mapdefineprefix FooPlugin ,o
>> >>
>> >> into the vimrc (requirement: before sourcing actual plugin). If
>> >> additionally he thinks that `DoZab` command is easier to run with
>> >> `,oo` he would need
>> >>
>> >> mapdefine FooPlugin:DoZab o
>> >>
>> >> (requirement is the same).
>> >>
>> >> Currently plugins may do this on top of `:execute`, but nobody
>> >> bothers. I normally want this functionality to e.g. make NERDCommenter
>> >> mappings all start with `,c` (no, redefining `<Leader>` for all
>> >> plugins does not sound like a good idea; `SourcePre` is useful, but
>> >> still feels like a hack) or "undefine" (i.e. prefix with something you
>> >> would never type, e.g. `<Plug>XXXIWouldNeverTypeThisXXX`) mappings for
>> >> plugins I install for functionality other then mappings (not everybody
>> >> is nice enough to have g:NERDCreateDefaultMappings setting).
>> >>
>> >> >
>> >> > thanks again,
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> > --
>> >> > Renato Fabbri
>> >> > GNU/Linux User #479299
>> >> >
>> >> >
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