Friday, February 2, 2018

Re: Neither Emacs nor Vim nor Nano handle ligature literal insertion well

On 02.02.18 16:31, Andrew Pennebaker wrote:
> I would really like convenient access to ligatures in my word processing
> software. Unfortunately, none of the major text editing applications
> appears to handle ligatures intelligently: Each of Emacs, Vim, Nano, MS
> Word, Google Drive, Libre Office, and InDesign type a dumb "ae" when the
> user presses the a and e keyboard keys, whereas historically this sequence
> is typically rendered with the ash æ rune.

OK, but Vim handles all sorts of ligatures quite elegantly.
(See :h digraphs , and to list them :digraphs)
Granted, when I write emails in Danish, it quickly becomes tedious to
type ^Kae for æ, so I have the following mappings:

" Mapping Style:
:let mapleader = ";"

" Mapping åæø and «» is handier than digraphs:
inoremap <expr> <Leader>a "\uE5"
inoremap <expr> <Leader>e "\uE6"
inoremap <expr> <Leader>o "\uF8"
inoremap <expr> <A-<> "\uAB"
inoremap <expr> <A->> "\uBB"

Now ;e gives æ, ;a gives å, and ;o gives ø. While it's only one double
keystroke less, the typing style is much more natural and fully
mnemonic. Using <A-e> instead of <Leader>e would reduce it to one double
keystroke, but I find it mnemonically convenient to reserve the alt key
for more broadly transformative actions. If you need a literal ;e, as
in these examples, then ^V;e makes the semicolon literal.

If you need thorn, it's ^Kth, giving þ. Also useful is ^K2S when needing
e.g. m², and ^K+- for ±.

So it's all there, and has been for at least one decade, probably
two. And with mappings, convenience can be amplified.


When printing with movable type was invented around 1450, typefaces included
many ligatures and additional letters, such as the letter þ (thorn) which was
first substituted in English with y (e.g. ye olde shoppe), but later written as
th. -

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