On 15/02/2018 00:31, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 12:28 AM, Tony Mechelynck
> <antoine.mechelynck@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, Feb 13, 2018 at 9:49 PM, Lifepillar <lifepillar@lifepillar.me> wrote:
>> [...]
>>> In my system (macOS and Vim 8.0.1500), if I run `vim --clean`
>>> repeatedly, both maxmem and maxmemtot are set to the same huge value, which
>>> changes at every run, such as 9007199253926612 or
>>> 9007199253919906. I wish that were approx. half the KB of my RAM
>>> but alas it is not. Are those normal values to see?
>>> Life.
>> I don't think so. These settings are supposed to be expressed in
>> kilobytes, so the values you give above would be on the close order of
>> 9 petabytes, which seems a little too big compared to the memory size
>> usually available on today's computers.
>> Try adding the following to your vimrc:
>> " make sure the memory sizes are set to a "reasonable" value
>> " but allow an explicit setting up to 2½ times our default
>> if &maxmem > 5000000
>> set maxmem=2000000
>> endif
>> if &maxmemtot > 5000000
>> set maxmem=2000000
> Oops! This should be "set maxmemtot=2000000"
Yes, if I set maxmem and maxmemtot in my vimrc, those values stick and,
as far as I can tell, the limits are respected when I open some large
buffers. So, as already pointed out, this may be a bug in the way Vim
detects the amount of memory in macOS.
I have reported the issue: https://github.com/vim/vim/issues/2646.
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