Saturday, February 17, 2018

xpath's like ruby/vim : recurse fails into command call


Using ruby script to parse xml, I'd like to make an XPATH's like command , completelist from currentnode in xml.
This works fine and I can choose one of childnodes.

Then I call helper#XpathNavNode( to update currentnode but it fails : g:currentnode does not exists anymore.

Can you see why ?

Thank you

command! -nargs=1 -bang -complete=customlist,helper#XpathList
\ XPATH call helper#XpathNavNode("<bang>", <f-args>)

fun! helper#XpathList(A,L,P) "{{{

au CmdlineLeave * unlet! g:currentnode

if !exists('g:currentnode')
let g:currentnode=''

let g:currentnode.='/'.a:A

ruby << EOF

require 'ox'
require 'open-uri'

# 0. on one xml file
xmlpath = ENV['tmp']+"/localConf.xml"
doc = Ox.parse(open(xmlpath).read)

# 1. retrieve all sorted child possible elements'name
arr = doc.root.locate('*' + Vim::evaluate('g:currentnode'))

arr_out = {}
arr.each { |a|
a.each {|key, value|

# 2.Proposal Array/Vim'List returned
Vim::command("return " + arr_out.keys().to_s )

endfunction "}}}

fun! helper#XpathNavNode(...) "{{{
" update currentnode from user's choice.
let g:currentnode=a000[1]
call feedkeys(':XPATH '.g:currentnode,'n')
endfunction "}}}

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