Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Re: Prevent the use of italic

Frank Shute:

>Do you prefer that gvim doesn't render emphasised
>text as italic? Or would you like it to?

My basic requirement is that vim shall ignore the
Markdown conventions for italic and render the cor-
responding text as usual. An improved solution
would be to have it render italic Markdown in a spe-
cial color.

>If the latter, then you can set gvim to use a font
>that contains the italicised glyphs.
> :help guifont
>I use 'Consolas' on Windows and 'Anonymous Pro' on

Thanks, but I dislike those fonts and I prefer true
raster fonts, such as Terminus:

or pixel-for-pixel conversions of raster fonts into
vector form:

One of my favorite ones is Olympiad:

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