Monday, March 12, 2018

Re: sorting file content by third numbered column

Personally, I would pipe it through an external command, eg:

:%! sort -n -k3

Within Vim on a Linux box that command results in text roughly like so for

Bar() 2 0.132 0.066
Foo.set_bar() 2 0.2234 0.1117
FooBar.set_foo() 173 6.6418 0.038392
Foo..ctor() 1 10.4901 10.4901
FooBar.Calc() 358 1164.8912 3.253886

(I've manually inserted some space for readability reasons.)

~ Tim

On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 01:50:41PM -0700, Ni Va wrote:
> Hi,
> I don't happen to sort this kind of list by the third float numbered column.
> Foo..ctor() 1 10.4901 10.4901
> Bar() 2 0.132 0.066
> FooBar.set_foo() 173 6.6418 0.038392
> Foo.set_bar() 2 0.2234 0.1117
> FooBar.Calc() 358 1164.8912 3.253886
> --
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