Thursday, March 15, 2018

Re: unable to build vim with gui

Tony Mechelynck wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 3:03 PM, Lucien Gentis <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Maybe you already tried it, but did you try to use "gvim" command instead of
>> "vim" command ?
> Mon cher Lucien: on Unix-like systems, and among others on every
> system where gvim can use GTK2 (as Dr. Chip's and mine do) a single
> executable, usually named "vim", will run as a GUI if invoked either
> as one of "gvim" "gview" "gvimdiff" etc. by means of a symlink, or
> with the -g command-line switch. It is only on Windows (and, once upon
> a time, on MS-DOS and possibly on Mac OS 9 and earlier) that a Vim
> executable can be either a GUI or a console utility but not both.
Hello, Tony, Lucien, and vimmers:

Thank you for your help!  I finally found the culprit, but first:

 * Lucien: I use  ./vim -g when in the source directory.  There's no
gvim link there; to use such a link, either I'd have to generate it by
hand or install the (IMHO) defective vim which lacked gui capability --
and I don't want a defective vim installed atop an older albeit
functioning vim/gvim.
 * Tony: unfortunately I'd forgotten about config.log but it wasn't
particularly helpful on this one.  I ended up putting over 60 comments
into the vim/src/auto/configure script to track down where the issue was.

I also tried --enable-gui=auto and that, too, did not work.

Well, this is a new Scientific Linux system (and a new computer, too,
actually) -- so it turns out that my configure commands
"--enable-gui=gtk2"  or  "--enable-gui=auto"  didn't work.  Turns out
that I needed  --enable-gui=gtk3 -- and now I have a functioning gvim!

So, is this perhaps a bug report?  ie.  --enable-gui=auto  should have
worked, I think.

Chip Campbell

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