Friday, April 6, 2018

Re: system succeed vs job_start fails on windows cmd

Le vendredi 6 avril 2018 21:42:24 UTC+2, Ni Va a écrit :
> Hi,
> This following func success to execute cmd through system( call and not through job_start call.
> I have read job_start help that says on windowsmake a GUI app hidden but not fails it.
> How can I proceed?
> Thank you in advance
> NiVA

> fun! monitoring#rmdir(folderpath) "{{{
> let cmd='cmd /c timeout /t 10 && rmdir /q /s "\\?\'.helper#shellescape(fnamemodify(a:folderpath,'%:p')).'"'
> echomsg job_start(cmd) "Fails
> echomsg system(cmd) "Succeed
> endfunc "}}}

fun! monitoring#rmdir(folderpath) "{{{
let cmd='cmd /c start /min timeout /t 5 /nobreak | rmdir /q /s "\\?\'.helper#shellescape(fnamemodify(a:folderpath,'%:p')).'"'
echomsg job_start(cmd)
endfunc "}}}

Seems better..

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