Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Vim syntax plugin loading issue

I am trying to use a plugin called vim-coldfusion (https://github.com/ernstvanderlinden/vim-coldfusion), which provides an alternative syntax file to the vim default.

I am using Vim 8's builtin packages to load it.

Whenever I load it via Vim's package system, it is read after the default cf syntax file (I got this information by looking at :scriptnames), but if I copy the syntax file to ~/.vim/syntax, it is read before the default syntax file. The plugin aborts if b:current_syntax is set, and it is set by the default cf syntax file. Thus, the plugin syntax file is never applied.

How can I resolve this? Are syntax files under pack/ always read after the default syntax files?

Ideally, I'd like to keep this plugin in pack/*/opt/ and load it only for cf files.

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