Thursday, May 17, 2018

Re: Help on Interpreting profiles (while loop vs recursive function)

On 16/05/2018 21:09, Lifepillar wrote:
> I wanted to profile the performance of a while loop vs a recursive
> function, so I wrote two functions, Iter() and Rec(), computing the
> same value (full code at the end of the message).
> The execution took ~4s, but Rec()'s measured times were (full profile
> at the end of the message):
> Called 319100 times
> Total time:  55.655449
>  Self time:   0.100880
> count  total (s)   self (s)
> 319100              1.070460   return etc...
> So, the total time looks wildly wrong. Am I missing something?

Well, I missed this from `:help profiling`:

- The "self" time is wrong when a function is used recursively.

So, I guess that none of the numbers above is reliable?


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