Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Re: Overwriting an autocmd for a particular filetype

On Di, 01 Mai 2018, ds wrote:

> Hi!
> Let's say I have an autocmd defined in my .vimrc, which applies to every possible buffer (autocmd-pattern is set to *). Now, is there any way to override this autocmd only for a particular filetype? I mean, to disable this "general" autocmd and to use another one instead? With the help of after/ftplugin, probably?
> (Wrapping this autocmd in augroup, and then resetting it in after/ftplugin/myfiletype.vim with autocmd! overwrites it globally, of course. Is there a less destructive way? Would be grateful for a hint :)

perhaps you can use the 'eventignore' option or the ':noa' command
modifier. I am not aware of a buffer-specific solution.

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