Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Re: vim and FORTH-"IDE"-ish environment

Hi David,

I didn't exspect it would be THAT easy...
That's very nice!
Thanks a lot!

On 05/29 06:08, David Woodfall wrote:
> In-Reply-To: <20180529164204.r47eyb6yepa2n3j2@solfire>
> On Tuesday 29 May 2018 18:42,
> tuxic@posteo.de <tuxic@posteo.de> put forth the proposition:
> > Hi Jason,
> >
> > thanks a lot. That's really neat! :)
> >
> > What's about the other way around: How can get something
> > like the serial terminal inside vim?
> In vim 8.1 there's the terminal plugin.
> See :help terminal and :help terminal<tab> will bring a list of other
> help files on aspects.
> --
> Only wimps use tape backup: _real_ men just upload their important stuff
> on ftp, and let the rest of the world mirror it ;)
> -- Linus Torvalds, about his failing hard drive on linux.cs.helsinki.fi
> .--. oo
> (____)//
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'
> --
> --
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