Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Re: vim mapping calls xmodmap to swap : with ; in a keyboard with dead keys for accents


" aux/PXmodmap created through $ xmodmap -pke > aux/PXmodmap
" with each dead, non-dead keys 'input source'
" (as Unity/Ubuntu 16.04 calls it)
" and swapping colon with semicolon
nn <silent> <space>p; :cal system('xmodmap '.g:prv.paths.vim.'aux/PXmodmap')<cr>
nn <silent> <space>p: :cal system('xmodmap '.g:prv.paths.vim.'aux/PXmodmap2')<cr>
" Notes:
" - can I leave only the chars needed to swap in PXmodmap? e.g. only ; with :?
" - i should make this through the system.

as in:

Em sábado, 19 de maio de 2018 23:18:42 UTC-3, Renato Fabbri escreveu:
> mapping;
> nn <space>p; :cal system('xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap')
> ~/.Xmodmap created with -pke > aux/PXmodmap
> and then swapping colon with semicolon
> Ctrl+space swaps dead keys and not dead keys,
> set by OS (ubuntu 16.04).
> But....
> when swapping dead and no dead keys (c-space),
> ; is ; again, : is : again, and i also have to
> press <space>p; to swap them again.
> i want to make them independent,
> i.e. that c-space does not reset swap of ; with :
> (understand that this is more an OS then a Vim issue,
> but even so, you might have good solutions or thoughts)
> any suggestions?

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