Sunday, May 20, 2018

Re: Who maintains cobol.vim?

On Sunday, May 20, 2018 at 7:19:28 PM UTC+12, Martin Lindkvist wrote:
> Could you please pint me to the correct place to get this vim files ....
> I have found them at various places but it would be nice to know that the one i use is the most resent and best working one

(A blast from the past... I haven't had the slightest thought about cobol for a long time.)
In your vim, look in

:edit $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/cobol.vim

The latest has:
" Last Change: 2015 Feb 13

To answer your question, vim is on github:

That says the file was changed on 1 September 2016; I suspect that was a vim facing change, rather than to do with cobol.

However, taking files individually may not be a good idea; if you can cope with an 80 MiB download following the instructions at could be better.

Regards, John Little

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