Friday, June 1, 2018

Re: First line starting with space affects cursor position when switching buffers

Am 01.06.2018 um 08:25 schrieb
> Hello,
> I have encountered what appears to be a bug in vim,
> but it might be a feature that I would like to disable.
> To reproduce the problem:
> Use vim to create a new file, and add 10 or so lines of text to the file.
> In the first line, put at least two characters, and make sure the first character is a space or tab.
> Place the cursor on the last line (or any line other than the first line).
> Save the file (:w) and switch (:e) to view another file.
> Switch back (:e) to the original file.
> Notice that the cursor is on the first line, not where it was originally.
> I am using vim 8.0 for Mac.
> Dave McCooey

I've seen this too for a long time (before v8.0), but didn't bother to investigate ...
It's easy to "fix": just don't start the first line with whitespace.

Ok, I did some bisecting (first time ^^):

gvim-v7-4-674.exe (and earlier) works ok
gvim-v7-4-675.exe (and later) shows the bug

Someone should take a look at Patch 7.4.675


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