Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Re: images and retina display

Hi Richard,

On Tue, 19 Jun 2018 18:28:51 -0700 (PDT)
Richard Mitchell <> wrote:

> What does the new retina display mean for images and scaling?
> "issue 6682: Add an experimental feature (on in beta) to show inline images
> at ret…"

this is vim-use and there is no issue 6682 - see .

> Images now display "smaller" (higher res) and changes my calculations on how
> to center an image. Before I was diving the image size by the font cell size
> to compute the column and row to place the image. It seemed pretty good
> before, but now the images are higher and to the left; i.e.; as if cell size
> times window size is smaller than the number of pixels in an iterm2 window.
> Thanks!

Shlomi Fish - The Atom Text Editor edits a 2,000,001B file

I often wonder why I hang out with so many people who are so pedantic. And
then I remember — because they are so pedantic.
— an Israeli Perl Monger

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