Thursday, June 14, 2018

Re: Vim Patch broke pathogen?

On Thu, Jun 14, 2018 at 4:50 PM, Frew Schmidt <> wrote:
> I use pathogen as my plugin manager and updated vim yesterday (via a PPA that is updated two or three times a week.) When I start vim I now get this error:
> Error detected while processing function pathogen#infect[8]..pathogen#interpose[12]..pathogen#is_disabled:
> line 5:
> E15: Invalid expression:
> E15: Invalid expression:
> Error detected while processing function pathogen#infect[15]..pathogen#is_disabled:
> line 5:
> E15: Invalid expression:
> E15: Invalid expression:
> Error detected while processing function pathogen#infect[8]..pathogen#interpose[12]..pathogen#is_disabled:
> line 5:
> E15: Invalid expression:
> E15: Invalid expression:
> Error detected while processing /home/frew/.vimrc:
> line 142:
> E185: Cannot find color scheme 'solarized8_dark_high'
> Press ENTER or type command to continue
> My guess is that some parser thing broke. I don't think this has been resolved in any of the last few patches. I'm on
> VIM - Vi IMproved 8.1 (2018 May 17, compiled Jun 13 2018 07:35:29)
> Included patches: 1-53
> Is this the right place to report something like this?
> Thanks.

1. Which featureset? That can be found from one of the next few lines
in the :version output after the two you quoted; the line which ends
with "Features included (+) or not (-)". What does that line say
before that?
2. Check the value of the 'runtimepath' option, as follows:
:verbose set rtp?
The answer will tell you the value (a comma-separated list of
directories), and which script (if any) changed it last. If the value
is too long it will get clipped; in that case you can see the full
value with
:echo &rtp
but that won't tell you where it was last set.
3. At least one of the directories mentioned in the 'runtimepath'
value should, _at the time when the error is detected_, include a
subdirectory named "autoload" with a file "pathogen.vim" in it. There
is something wrong with the 5th line of function is_disabled() defined
by that script. You should be able to see the code for that function
by typing in Vim:
:func pathogen#is_disabled
(with no parentheses after it). Also, Vim cannot find a script named
"solarized8_dark_high.vim" in the "colors" subdirectory of any
directory in 'runtimepath', with the value 'runtimepath' had when
processing line 142 of your vimrc, a line which (I suppose) contains a
:colorscheme command (probably without the leading colon). If you are
in gvim, you can see which colorschemes are known by means of the menu
"Edit → Color Scheme". In both gvim and Console Vim, you can also see
them by typing :colorscheme followed by a space, then Ctrl-D rather
than Enter (assuming your Vim was compiled with +cmdlline_compl).

Best regards,

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