Saturday, June 30, 2018

Re: vim via serial console

On Sun, Jul 1, 2018 at 7:32 AM, <> wrote:
> Hi,
> to my Rapsberry Pi Zero W I connect via serial
> terminal.
> The serial terminal output respect the size
> of my terminal window on the host pc.
> As soon as I start vim, the size of the
> "printable area" - that is: what vim uses
> to let me edit text" is drastically shrunken
> to 24 lines and 80 colums, which is too tiny
> to edit config files and look through log files
> in most cases.
> Is there a way to tell vim to use the full size
> as (in this case) picocom does?
> Thanks a lot for any bigger edit window in advance! :)
> Cheers
> Meino

What happens if you do

:set lines=999 columns=999

? (I have no serial console, and on some terminals this doesn't work.
On my system, it works in gvim and in xterm but not in konsole.)

:help 'lines'
:help 'columns'

Best regards,

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