Friday, June 22, 2018

Shortcut to jump to the start of the current method in C++

I'm looking for ways to quickly navigate and/or get contextual
information about the structure of a large C++ codebase I'm editing in

I discovered `[m` which is supposed to go the the start of the method
in which the cursor currently resides. Instead, if the class
containing the method is itself inside a block (such as a C++
namespace, as is very often the case), the cursor will go to to the
start of the **class** instead of the start of the **method**.

For example, in the following code snippet

namespace Foo {
class Bar {
void qux()
// press [m with the cursor here -> *

Pressing [m at the asterisk will go to the start of class Bar instead
of method qux.

Is there a trivial way to fix `[m` to work as advertised? If not, is
there an alternative, perhaps as a plugin?

Thanks, D.

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