Saturday, July 21, 2018

Re: gvim8.1 on ubuntu

On Friday, July 20, 2018 at 11:48:12 PM UTC+12, Robert Solomon wrote:
> I cloned the github source and compiled vim 8.1. That went smoothly.
> How do I get gvim 8.1 on Ubuntu?

I'm not sure I understand your question, and I take it differently to Christian Brabandt.

If your newly built vim does not have a GUI, as shown by :ver, or vim --version, then configure didn't find the needed GUI headers and libraries, and

sudo apt-get build-dep vim-gtk

will get what you need, assuming your Ubuntu version is still in support. (14.04, 16.04, 17.10, 18.04). Then

make reconfig

will rerun configure, and it should find the GUI, these days that's the default.

If your :ver output shows a GUI (mine straight from git master says "Huge version with GTK2 GUI") then you have gvim; on *n?x the same executable is used for gvim. Run it with

vim -g

or use the :gui command to confirm this.

Either way,

sudo make install

makes /usr/local/bin/gvim a link to vim, to completely answer your question.

Regards, John Little

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