Monday, July 30, 2018

Re: how to match the first pattern

On Mon, Jul 30, 2018 at 1:55 PM, Chr. von Stuckrad
<> wrote:
> On Mon, 30 Jul 2018, Sand Glass wrote:
>> On Saturday, July 28, 2018 at 3:18:23 PM UTC+8, Sand Glass wrote:
>> > how can I stop the pattern at the first "]"?
>> It's good in vim. Then I try to use the regular in perl script, but failed.
> Same 'thing', i.e. the shortest match, so (in linux 'man perlre')
> as far as I remember a '?' behind the '*' makes it 'non-greedy'
> and this \[.*?\] gives 'the next closing ']' .
> Stucki

Ah yes, there are several regular-expression "dialects", often quite
similar but not always strictly identical, and depending on whether
you are using grep (which has two: "normal" and "extended"), Vim
(which has four: "very nomagic", "nomagic", "magic" and "very magic"),
perl, less, etc. you need to always use just the precisely right
dialect for whichever RE engine will be interpreting it.

Best regards,

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