Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Re: Remember last command?

On 18/07/2018 21:23, Bill Tugger wrote:
> I often have to make small edits in several files. I need to display each file as I make the changes so automated tools don't work.
> What I do is edit a file, save it, open the next file, edit, save, etc.
> Search string I last used is remembered. EG if I search for DEBUG_IT_NOW in the first file the next file I can hit "n" and I'm taken to the first instance in that file. This works great.
> I'd like to also have the repeat command (.) behave the same way. Is there a way to do this?

I have tried and . repeats the last change even across buffers, as
expected. Have you tried with vim --clean to rule plugin conflicts?


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