Monday, July 9, 2018

Re: Syntax Completion works only for one language

On Friday, July 6, 2018 at 6:23:15 AM UTC-7, David Fishburn wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 5, 2018 at 12:38 PM 'Ameesh Oza' via vim_use <> wrote:
> On Wednesday, July 4, 2018 at 5:08:51 AM UTC-7, David Fishburn wrote:
> ...
> : version output
> :version
> VIM - Vi IMproved 7.4 (2013 Aug 10, compiled Jul 24 2015 02:22:44)
> Included patches: 1-207, 209-629
> Modified by <>
> Compiled by <>
> Huge version with GTK2 GUI.  Features included (+) or not (-):
> My completion window opens for only one language. For other language. I get message  -- Omni completion (^O^N^P) Pattern not found. But syntax highlighting works for second language.
> Hmm, pattern not found.  That sounds like it has not picked up the syntax list.
> Can you run through the following commands exactly as I have done.
> I tried to pick languages that Vim knows how to syntax highlight but do not already have their own complete plugins.
> I just tried the following with my Windows 7.4
> :ver
> VIM - Vi IMproved 7.4 (2013 Aug 10, compiled Sep  7 2016 08:32:39)
> MS-Windows 32-bit GUI version with OLE support
> Included patches: 1-2342
> :e dave.tcl
> :setl
> --- Local option values ---
>   autoindent          comments=:#         cursorcolumn        errorformat=        grepprg=            lispwords=          nrformats=bin,hex   shiftwidth=4        tags=
> --autoread            commentstring=#%s   cursorline          expandtab           include=            makeprg=            path=               syntax=tcl
>   backupcopy=         cryptmethod=        define=             filetype=tcl        keywordprg=         modified            scroll=24           tagcase=
>   formatoptions=tcroql
>   formatlistpat=^\s*\(\d\+[\]:.)}\t ]\|-\)\s*
>   indentexpr=GetTclIndent()
>   indentkeys=0{,0},!^F,o,O,0]
>   omnifunc=syntaxcomplete#Complete
>   undolevels=-123456
> I get a list of words:
> abs
> accelerator
> acos
> :echo OmniSyntaxList()
> ['TODO', 'abs', 'accelerator', 'acos', ...]
> :e dave.moo
> :setl
> --- Local option values ---
>   autoindent          cryptmethod=        define=             filetype=moo        keywordprg=         modified            scroll=24           tagcase=
> --autoread            cursorcolumn        errorformat=        grepprg=            lispwords=          nrformats=bin,hex   shiftwidth=4        tags=
>   backupcopy=         cursorline          expandtab           include=            makeprg=            path=               syntax=moo
>   comments=b:#,:%,n:>
>   formatoptions=cqtro
>   formatlistpat=^\s*\(\d\+[\]:.)}\t ]\|-\)\s*
>   omnifunc=syntaxcomplete#Complete
>   undolevels=-123456
> I get a list of words:
> @
> :echo OmniSyntaxList()
> ['@', '@', '@', '@', '@', 'ERR', 'FLOAT', 'INT', ...]
> :echo g:loaded_syntax_completion
> 130  (aka 13.0)
> Please check your version of the syntax complete plugin.
> You can download an updated copy of it from here:
> After loading the buffer:
> :syntax list
> --- Syntax items ---
> mooUncommentedError xxx match +\*/+  display
>                    links to Error
> mooCStyleCommentError xxx match +/\ze\*+  display contained
>                    links to Error
> mooComment     xxx match #[\t !%&*+,\-/<=>?@^|]\@<!\s*"\([^\"]\|\\.\)*"\s*;#  contains=mooStringError,mooCommentSpecialChar
>                    links to Comment
> What happens after you:
> :echo OmniSyntaxList()
> David

:e test.upf

--- Local option values ---
autoindent define= grepprg= makeprg= syntax=upf
--autoread errorformat= include= path= tabstop=4
backupcopy= filetype=upf keywordprg= scroll=11 tags=
cryptmethod= foldmethod=indent lispwords= shiftwidth=4

i<C-X><C-O> gives me a list of words

:echo OmniSyntaxList()
['-', '-ack_delay', '-ack_port', '-all_equivalent', '-applies_to', '-assert_r_mutex', '-assert_rs_mutex', '-assert_
s_mutex', '-attribute', '-cells', '-clamp_value', '-control_port', '-direction', '-domain', '-elements', '-error_st
ate', '-function', '-handle', '-hdl_type', '-illegal', '-include_scope', '-input_supply_port', '-iso_nor', '-isolat
ion_ground_net', '-isolation_power_net', '-isolation_prefix', '-isolation_sense', '-isolation_signal', '-isolation_
suffix', '-isolation_supply_set', '-legal', '-level_shift_prefix', '-level_shift_suffix', '-lib_cell_type', '-lib_c
ells', '-lib_model_name', '-location', '-logic_expr', '-module', '-module', '-no_isolation', '-no_shift', '-off_sta
te', '-on_partial_state', '-on_state', '-output_supply_port', '-pg_type', '-pg_type', '-pins', '-pins', '-port', '-
ports', '-power_domains', '-primary_ground_net', '-primary_power_net', '-pst', '-rail_connection', '-rail_connectio
n', '-related_ground_pin', '-related_power_pin', '-resolve', '-restore_signal', '-retention_ground_net', '-retentio
n_power_net', '-retention_supply_set', '-reuse', '-rule', '-save_signal', '-scope', '-source', '-state', '-supplies
', '-supply', '-supply_expr', '-table', '-threshold', '-update', '-vct', '-version', '@', 'SV', 'TODO', 'add_domain
_elements', 'add_port_state', 'add_power_state', 'add_pst_state', 'associate_supply_set', 'automatic', 'bind_checke
r', 'both', 'connect_supply_net', 'create_hdl2upf_vct', 'create_power_domain', 'create_power_switch', 'create_pst',
'create_supply_net', 'create_supply_port', 'create_supply_set', 'create_upf2hdl', 'default_isolation', 'default_re
tention', 'fanout', 'get_supply_net', 'ground', 'high', 'high_to_low', 'in', 'include', 'inputs', 'latch', 'load_up
f', 'low', 'low_to_high', 'map_isolation_cell', 'map_level_shifter_cell', 'map_power_switch', 'map_retention_cell',
'match', 'max', 'merge_power_domains', 'min', 'name', 'name_format', 'negedge', 'new_domain_name', 'nom', 'off', '
one_hot', 'out', 'outputs', 'parallel', 'parent', 'posedge', 'power', 'primary', 'save_upf', 'self', 'set_design_at
tributes', 'set_design_top', 'set_domain_supply_net', 'set_isolation', 'set_isolation_control', 'set_pin_related_su
pply', 'set_power_switch', 'set_retention', 'set_retention_control', 'set_scope', 'sibling', 'typename', 'unresolve
d', 'upf_version', 'vhdl', 'vlog', 'when-not']


--- Local option values ---
autoindent define= include= path= tags=
--autoread errorformat= keywordprg= scroll=11
backupcopy= foldmethod=indent lispwords= shiftwidth=4
cryptmethod= grepprg= makeprg= tabstop=4

-- Omni completion (^O^N^P) Pattern not found

:echo OmniSyntaxList()

:echo g:loaded_syntax_completion

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